Hazardous waste


What is hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste refers to industrial and/or urban waste that, owing to its toxicity and hazardousness, must be treated using methods that are extremely safe. It cannot be disposed of in landfill. Such types of waste include those containing phosphides, isocyanates, alkali metals and acids, which form gases during combustion (e.g. chlorine forms hydrogen chloride, HCl), along with those containing mercury, etc. At Tecam we specialise in the treatment of these types of waste. If you have any problems related to hazardous waste at your facilities, we will advise you on the most suitable technologies – always implemented in the form of customised, tailor-made solutions – for treating it.

A specific solution

Because this waste is considered hazardous, it must be incinerated at a very high temperature (1100 °C) for two seconds in a combustion chamber with minimal oxygen content. This ensures complete oxidation.

To carry out this process, at Tecam we normally use rotary or static kilns, depending on the type of waste to be treated. Rotary kilns are used most frequently, as they are designed to treat a wide variety of solids.

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